20 September 2023


Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023 - 2030


Report of the Director of Public Health (Health and Adult Services)



Purpose of report



To share the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy for North Yorkshire, and request feedback from the Board (draft strategy document to follow).



This report builds on reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 28 November 2022 and 17 March 2023.



Shape and structure of new Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy



The JHWBS editorial group has continued to meet to guide the development of the draft strategy to prepare it for the Board’s consideration and for public consultation.



The editorial group has given particular consideration to the accessibility of the strategy, in terms of language, length and design.  



The strategic vision is the same as that shared previously, apart from one word (using the word ‘fair’ rather than ‘equal’, as this was felt to more accurately capture our ambition):


For all residents of North Yorkshire to have a fair chance of living a fulfilling life, free from preventable ill health, 'adding years to life and life to years'.



The body of the strategy is now structured around 3 Ps, to simplify and improve accessibility:


·         Think People

·         Think Place

·         Think Population Health and Prevention


There are also sections focusing on the strategic landscape and on cross-cutting themes. The strategy closes with a section on delivery, including principles and keeping track of progress.


Consultation proposals



The consultation proposals remain the same as shared with the Board in March 2023 – a public consultation of 12 weeks. The consultation plans have been developed in partnership with Health and Healthwatch North Yorkshire partners. It is anticipated that the public consultation will commence following the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting in November 2023, at which the final draft strategy for consultation and consultation plans will be presented.



Financial implications



In terms of the cost of producing the strategy, including consultation costs, this will be met from existing departmental budgets.  We will look to keep the number of printed copies to a minimum, given the online access that there will be to the document; however some printed consultation copies will be required for accessibility.


If the outcomes contained within the strategy are achieved, this will have a significant impact on improving people’s health and wellbeing and, whilst a figure cannot be easily estimated, this prevention element will help the Council and its partners in managing resources.



Legal Implications



It is a statutory requirement upon the Health and Wellbeing Board to produce a Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy.



Equalities Implications



The strategy should have a positive impact on equality and equity, as it focuses on reducing health inequalities in North Yorkshire’s people, places and population. This includes a focus on inclusion health groups, which refers to those people who experience extremely poor health outcomes due to social exclusion combined with multiple overlapping risk factors for poor health.



An equality impact assessment is in progress, to be finalised post-consultation, and will be shared with the Health and Wellbeing Board.



Climate change implications



A climate change impact assessment screening form has been completed.  This indicates that there could be a small positive impact on pollution, if people undertake a healthier lifestyle by, for example, walking rather than driving in certain situations.






The JHWBS Editorial Group would be grateful for the views of the Health and Wellbeing Board on the draft strategy, in order to allow the Editorial Group to refine it and to then take it forward for public consultation.






The JLHWBS Editorial Group requests that the following recommendations are approved:


·         That the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board note this report, and share their feedback on the draft strategy;


·         That the Board agrees to accept a final draft strategy for consultation and consultation plans for approval at their meeting in November 2023.



Louise Wallace

Director of Public Health


12 September 2023

County Hall, Northallerton


Report Authors:          

Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health                 

Shanna Carrell, Equalities Manager, Health and Adult Services